Spend quality time with the whole family this Father’s Day weekend with a double celebration at Blue Bay Walk and Met Live Mall!
At Met Live Mall, sports dads will enjoy a sports-themed display for a photo op, while car enthusiasts will adore the car display show in partnership with Grupo Toyota at Blue Bay Walk. Dads also get free swag in exchange for a minimum single-receipt transaction or accumulated receipts worth P1,000 any MET Live Mall and Blue Bay Walk establishments made from June 14 to June 16, 2024.
Come evening, families can gather at the Met Live Mall’s Center Atrium or Blue Bay Walk’s The Spine for a relaxing time listening to live music.
Interested? The event is open to the public and free of charge. Visit the official Facebook page of Blue Bay Walk at www.facebook.com/BlueBayWalkOfficial and MET Live Mall at www.facebook.com/MetLiveOfficial for more details.